
Arrange a visit

If you are unable to make any of our Open Days and events or would like to arrange a visit for a possible immediate start for your child, then we would be delighted to show you around our school.聽

During a visit we will aim to show you at least one classroom, the library, other areas of the school site and the relevant boarding house.聽 When arranging a visit it would be useful to know your child's favourite subject and, if this subject is being taught during your visit, we will try and visit it.

We would encourage you to try and book one of our our events which also consist of presentations and will give you much more information as well as a chance to meet with other prospective families.

To arrange an individual visit, please complete the form below:

Booking Form: Visit or Entrance Assessment Booking

Intended Year of Entry

Child's Details

(Education, Health and Care Plan)

Contact Details

Details of Deafness

Select all that apply
It is a good idea to make any involved professionals aware that your child is undergoing an entrance assessment.